About Us
Dental Scaling
Professional Referral
Teeth Whitening
Sports Mouthguards
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Services Provided:

If you can not afford dental services, there may be government assistance especially for all children 17 and under. Programs such as: Healthy Smiles, CINOT (children in need of treatment), Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program.  Please call our office at 905 894 5095 and we will gladly assist you.

What We Offer:

- Comprehensive oral assessment
- Customized whitening
- Personalized scaling and polishing
- Fluoride treatment
- Desensitizing of sensitive teeth
- Pit and fissure sealant application
- Oral cancer screening
- Custom sports guards

We are wheel chair accessible. 
Owned and operated by Nancy Pearce R.D.H.  Nancy has over 25 years experience.